Inspired innovation.

Enriching and engaging technology.

We are always looking for new ways to support Summer House residents. And as we continually assess and integrate innovative technology into our care programs, we see how these novel approaches to care can impact quality of life.

Partners in innovation to improve quality of life for memory loss patients

Working to help residents thrive.


Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing.

We’re passionate about understanding the changing needs of the people we serve, so we partner with creative organizations to advance the solutions that help us meet those needs. At the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing, we combine new ideas with the latest technology to discover ways to enhance the lives of our residents.

Activities and technology that improve lives of those affected by dementia

State-of-the-art care.


Impacting lives in new ways.

Every day we see the positive impact of cutting-edge innovation on those living with cognitive impairment. Activities, games, puzzles, interactive robotic pets, music programs, and more, offer social, intellectual, physical, and spiritual enrichment in both group and independent settings. Here, technology is a tool—a rich and modern complement to our own brand of compassionate care that never goes out of style.